
Why: Feeling anxious sucks. This stuff below can make it better.


ExerciseStart exercising
Why: Exercise is a reasonably effective treatment for anxiety , about as effective as an antidepressant without their side effects.
Tip: Not sure where to start? Check out our Guide to Lifting and Guide to Cardio. And don't worry, these programs are designed for people who have never exercised before and really don't want to. So they're really easy to get started with!
SleepFix your sleep
Why: The link between anxiety and sleep is reasonably strong. For example, about 30% of anxious people show symptoms of insomnia . Thus, treating your problematic sleep should lower your levels of anxiety.
Tip: Not sure where to start? Check out our Guide to Sleep, as it will cover everything you need to know to fix your sleep!


TherapistTalk to a therapist
Why: Anxiety is marked either by a phobia or a pattern of catastrophic thinking, both of which are really painful for the thinker. But you don't have to suffer alone. A therapist can teach you a set of research-backed techniques that will make dealing with these thoughts easier.
Tip: If you need help finding a therapist, is a website that makes it really easy to find pre-vetted therapists. You can book free initial calls, check availability, and more.
Heads up: If you cannot or will not see a therapist, check out the book . This book is great. It will teach many of the skills that you would learn in therapy.
Man with binocularsMeet your future self
Why: Spending a ten-minute session writing about the best life you can imagine for yourself in the future may significantly improve your overall level of happiness
Instructions: Set a timer or stopwatch for 10 minutes. During this time, think about your best possible future self and write it down on paper. Imagine your life the way you always imagined it would be. Imagine that you have performed to the best of your abilities and achieved all the things you wanted to in life. While writing, do not worry about grammar or punctuation. Just focus on writing all your thoughts and emotions in an expressive way. You may want to have several sheets of paper for this exercise .


FriendshipCombat loneliness
Why: Unsurprisingly, loneliness is strongly linked to your levels of anxiety, depression, and death
, as it increases inflammation and disregulates cortisol . But, importantly, loneliness is not the same thing as social isolation, you can feel live in relative isolation and not feel lonely. And it's loneliness, not social isolation, that's the killer
Tip: To combat loneliness, you need to do two things: learn to be alone without feeling lonely (next section) and spend more time with people (this section). For example, volunteer, reach out to friends and family, use a dating app, or sign up for a class at your community center or local college.
Warning: When all else falls, many turn to adopting a dog or cat. Not only is this a big responsibility, it may not reduce your loneliness, as research is quite conflicted on this point . Pets also won't lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, or death
Paper craftsMake something
Why: Humans have three, fundamental needs: freedom, deep friendship, and to get better at something
. The easiest way to do the final one, especially when alone, is to make something, whether that be art, code, or a business. Importantly, what you make doesn't need to make money. It just needs to be something that one, you find engaging, and two, can done alone, as this is an extremely useful way to combat loneliness.
Tip: Not sure where to start? Check out this list of hobbies .
Social mediaDitch social media
Why: Research has shown social media usage leads to increased depression, loneliness, and anxiety. This is because these platforms inspire FoMo (fear of missing out) and social comparison, where you compare your life to the airbrushed highlights of someone else's life .
Tip: You do not need to ditch all social media platforms. Instead, you just need to avoid FoMo or social comparison. Following the "cool kids" and their lavish parties? Bad idea! Following that prominent CEO or venture capitalist? Bad idea! Looking at memes and cute animals? Excellent idea! This is easier to do with some platforms, like Reddit, than others, like Instagram.
YellingLeave a bad job
Why: A bad job, one where you have minimal control over your time and work and the work itself isn't meaningful, is strongly linked to depression and anxiety, as well as certain physical conditions, like heart attacks
. This is because much of the cause of all these conditions, especially depression, is chronic inflammation and cortisol dysfunction
, both of which are increased by social stressors, like a bad job. This is why the risk of death due to a heart attack is doubled in someone who has recently been bereaved, and why seemingly unrelated things, like pollution
and diet are strongly linked to depression and anxiety, as they can increase inflammation and/or disregulate cortisol
Tip: The best way to get a good job is to master a rare and valuable skill, called career capital, which you can trade to an employer for stuff like higher pay and more control over your time and work .


Why: Meditation is an effective way to reduce your levels of depression and anxiety. It is makes you happier , more empathetic , and is protective against loneliness
. However, meditation requires a decent chunk of time, around 30 minutes per day , and it's not for everyone. We'd much prefer people start with therapy and labeling, and then only move to meditation once they're ready for it.
Tip: Want to learn to meditate? Check out this excellent, free guide on Reddit, then this post and guide when you become more advanced. You can also download a meditation app. We like and .
Why: Antidepressants, namely SNRIs and SSRIs, work by restoring the brain to a more changeable (plastic) state , rather than restoring low levels of a neurotransmitter, like serotonin . They have been shown to be reasonably effective in treating anxiety , especially when combined with therapy. However, they're not magic and do come with a set of minor side effects. We think they're worth it for most people suffering from anxiety, but talk with your doctor to learn more.
Fish oilFish oil
Why: Fish oil has been shown to be reasonably effective in treating anxiety and depression , roughly comparable with antidepressants. An effective dose is probably 2,000 mg of combined EPA and DHA, with an EPA:DHA ratio of at least 2:1. We like .
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